Thursday, 29 December 2016

Tips How to Personal Growth | Tips How To Make Your Personality Attractive |

Everyone wants personal growth. But nobody knows how? So in My experience there are some tips for you: 

·         Be better than the other guy

o    There is this fallacy that abounds that the average guy who knows company politics ascends. Actually. It is the incredibly excellent guy who ALSO knows company politics that ascends

·         Speed up your workflow

o    Learning how to get things done in a shorter amount of time will always pay off. If there are keyboard shortcuts you can learn; touch typing; speed reading; 'hacks' for software/hardware you continually use; voice dictation; chrome plugging; a better machine - take one week to work out all of these for your work environment - it will pay you back 100x over time

·         Take the Navy Seal ethic to heart: Slow Is Smooth and Smooth Is Fast

o    Learn how to do things properly even if it takes more time. Then massive speed can come

·         Learn Excel to God-Like levels

o    This is the most underrated asset that can make a key difference. If you understand pivot tables, VBA look ups, Index/Match solutions, 3D sums, arrays, Proper use of the $ sign. You'll be the go-to-guy from new starter to partner.

·         Keep Detailed Files on EVERYONE you work with

o    Remember their name, city of birth, name of their dog, team they support, name of their wife, where they went on holiday last year. Write that sh*t down. Do you realize how MUCH people will like you if you can bring this up weeks later?

·         Learn How To Work The Room

o    Networking events, client meetings. Take a note of spending at least a couple minutes with everyone. Make them smile, listen, make them feel important - THEN leave.

·         Build alliances

o    Shit really does the hit the fan sometimes. Make friends with powerful people. There is no 'written-rule' as to how. It can be by getting drunk together, by helping with work. Whatever. Experiment and this will help you with promotions.

·         Build charisma

o    Quiet hard workers do well. But it's the one's people love being around that do even better. Start by reading a book. This one: The Charisma Myth: How Anyone Can Master the Art and Science of Personal Magnetism

·         You're always selling

o    Doesn't matter if you're not in a sales role. You'll sell yourself or the product or an idea. 101 routes to learn this. Pick any you like. Just start from somewhere.

·         Learn to Up sell yourself

o    In interview (you have them all the time - dating, talking to a senior, a formal interview, and negotiations). Know how to qualitatively and quantitatively show your worth.

·         Use your initiative

o    If something seems obvious to you. Or you envisage a better way of doing things. Try it out. Those who add value are those who rise.

·         Stay close to Icarus and observe
o    You will know some who rise meteorically. Learn from how they move, operate and think. Then do better.

·         Be Yourself

o    Don't try and be someone you're not. Because really, you're not fooling anybody. We're elastic not shape shifters. And shape shifting comes back to bite you on your are in the end. Authenticity IS loved.


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